President’s Message
January, 2025

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Hi everybody and welcome to 2025.  I hope your holidays were all that you hoped for and were filled with family and friends.

 Looking back at the past year you all know that we lost many brothers and sisters.  When we think about all the years we had together, sharing all the good and bad times, it’s hard to accept that they are no longer with us.  I think the best way to deal with this vacuum is for us is to live our lives to the fullest and carry their memories with us.  That way, they will always be with us.  2025 is here now and we must embrace it, not thinking of what could have been, but thinking about what is still here.  So, here’s what’s out there for us and our Chapter.

 For those of you who live in Staten Island, or are within reach, we have some upcoming events that you hopefully will support with your attendance:

 First, on March 2nd the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be marching down Forest Avenue.  Now that all issues have been resolved, all groups, including our Chapter, will be attending.  Hopefully, the Fire Department will have vehicles available for those of us who can’t, or won’t, march.

 Then, February 15th we will be the Chapter’s Valentine’s Day Dance at the Staaten.   This has always been a great success, with plenty of food, drink, and dancing.  If you haven’t been to one, now is the time.  Check your emails and our website for more information on this event.

 The last subject I would like to cover is the waning attendance at our meetings.  For the last few years attendance at our meetings has dropped substantially.  We went from an average of 40+ present at each of our meetings to an average of 20.  Looking into this and listening to member comments, the Board of Directors has determined that the issue of concern is driving at night.  So, here’s what’s going to happen.  An email, distributed to all Chapter members, will ask for suggestions to improve attendance.  I know you all care about this Chapter.  Your feedback is important.  Please read and reply to the email. 

 Thank you and God bless.

 Your brother,
