President’s Message
Holiday Message
November, 2020

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Dear Brothers and Sisters

Yes, we are approaching our holiday season but unfortunately, we are facing a whole new world, a world of not knowing what comes next. With the pandemic, demonstrations across the country, rioting, the willful destruction of property, and congress in complete turmoil displaying an inability to work together for the greater good is undoubtedly going to place the year 2020 as the worst year ever.  A reminder for the congressional body: “By the people…” and “for the people…”.

 Through all this you wonder how our Chapter is surviving.  Well, in addition to not being able to meet since last February, I have had to cancel our Day of Remembrance, the POW/MIA service, the Jay Donavan Vietnam Veteran golf outing, the Borough President Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans breakfast, Senator Lanza’s Tribute to Vietnam Veterans and just recently our Annual Valentine Dance that was scheduled for February 2021..     

With such a gloom casting a shadow over the upcoming holidays, and Thanksgiving just a few days away, how can I possibly have anything good to say and that our Chapter is doing well?  Rest assured, the chapter is still alive and operating.  I have a great bunch of guys alongside me that keep all the gears grinding.

 But, outside of our little band of brothers and sisters, how can I be so sure all will be well?  I can because no matter what is going on out there, and no matter how bad it looks, I know the shadow will be lifted and light will shine on the horizon.  I say this because I have great faith in this country.  The faith and understanding that comes from knowing you, and millions of more like you across this country.  People like you will never let this country down, never falter or surrender to indecision or chaos. You will all stand tall, stand together, and make sure that all we have worked for will not be destroyed or forgotten.  Again, I know this because no matter what is going on out there, we wake up every morning and see our friends and loved ones.  I know this because no matter what is said in the media, we still carry on doing what must be done to keep moving forward and protecting one another. It is in us, and part of us, it is what grew inside us from the days we stepped off that plane when we left the Nam and got back to the real world.

 So, for these upcoming holidays if you can hug someone, do it. If you are not able to be around them, then call, zoom, or do whatever you can to stay connected.  Never take what you possess for granted. The people around you know what you went through and witnessed how, over the years, you were able to put either a family or a friendship and because of this you will always be looked as a guiding light.


God Bless and keep on smiling


Your Brother,
