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Here we are, once again, in the middle of the holiday season. It’s always a joyous time of the year, a time when we all get together and enjoy one another.
Every veteran’s organization wants to know how we manage to get 50 to 60 members at every meeting. My answer with a smile is always the same. “Come out and see for yourself”. I know some of us think it could have been better and in some cases that is probable true, but it is also important to look at our blessings and accomplishments during this past year.
To start let’s address the family of brothers and sisters that have managed to stay together and grow through all kinds of setbacks since 1988 when chapter 421 was chartered. The cohesive relationship of our brotherhood and sisterhood has allowed us to band together from a time when Vietnam Veterans and Vietnam Era Veterans were looked upon as outcasts to a time when this year we were honored by the Tunnel to Tower organization for the service to our Country. From the time when we marched to boos and insults to a time when we marched the cheers and handshakes in this year’s Veteran Day parade and St Patrick’s Day Parades. From a time when the iconic picture of the Vietnam War was depicted by an actress boasting about her visit to North Vietnam to a time when, among the numerous memorials across the country, we continue to embellish our own local memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park. We stayed together and showed all those doubters who we are and, in the process, managed to accomplish more than any other veteran group before us. Our membership has never stopped growing. Every meeting is an adventure mixing business with comradery. I am very proud of Chapter 421, I guess that is why I have stayed as your president for as long as I have and I will do so for as long as you want me to.
I know we all have family and they always come first but that being said I also know that we are all interlocked. Interlocked into a special group and if that is not family, I don’t know what is.
I wish you all a great holiday season, you are all my brothers and sisters and I will ALWAYS be there for you.
God Bless