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Hi Everybody,
Well, as you can see by our updates on our website (, we are almost finished with the memorial project. It took a lot of work and planning to get it done so I think it important to mention the men that were instrumental in helping me put this thing together.
It was a complete effort from the Board of Directors. We all knew we had a lot of important decisions to make and we had to make them for the good of all and the Board did that. I am proud to say they are the best group of men I have ever worked with. From Dr. Coppolo with me on the proofing and putting them in proper order, Al Paolucci constantly keeping me in check with the finances, Nick Castoro as my tech adviser helping me with the layout of the pavers and designing the pattern for the pavers, Frank Sansone always helping me with all the little things that I missed, and Frank Russo, our webmaster, for his picture array on the website and keeping you all updated on the construction progress.
Special thanks once again to Nick Castoro, Al Paolucci, and Frank Sansone for being with me every day during the construction. We were there from 7:30 till 5:00 every day, and when all the pavers were down, helping me place all your commemorative bricks in the right place.
Well that is about it, at our last board meeting we confirmed the opening day will be on June 7 at 1:00pm which will be the week before The Day of Remembrance on June 14.
I hope I will see you all on June 7 and the 14th
If you have any questions just reach out to me ( or Doctor Joe (
You’re Brother