VVA Chapter 421 MEMORIAL DAY 2020 Tribute Page
send your tribute to frank@farusso.com for posting on this page

Memorial Day...For me, was and never will be just the start of summer. I usually spent a week or two getting myself upset as I watch TV and see all the big MEMORIAL Day sales, and oh don't forget "The start of summer". BBQ's, cookouts, without even a thought of what this day is truly about. Not to many days go by without a thought of one of my friends who were KIA or have since passed because of their service in Vietnam. I started this project a few years ago to honor my childhood friends (23), and grew into honoring all 85 men who gave their lives in Vietnam. Lizzie & I delivered them to "The Wall" in D.C. where I hope they are somewhere safe. Lots of love went into them, and a special Thank you to my friends who chipped in to help (you know who you are) couldn't have gotten it done without you. My tribute to all 85 men from Staten Island, NY. Rest In Peace...God Bless.

As we approach Memorial Day 2020 we are challenged by the extraordinary circumstances in the battle with the COVID-19 virus. Many of us will be staying in place following the guidance of our medical experts. However, let us remember the meaning of Memorial Day and the souls lost in other battlefield battles which are too many to mention. The Day is to reflect on those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country and in the name of freedom. As I have in past years I ask you to stop, even for a brief moment, during this day and pay homage to those that cannot be with us or their families. For me, special thought goes to the multitude of names on the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C. Forever am I indebted to those brave men and women whose actions and ultimate sacrifice paved the road for my safe return home. Each name has life and breathes spiritually. In the past I posted the poem I wrote a few years back reflecting on that wall and its names. This year I have done something different as my tribute to all those that gave all.
Submitted by Lee Covino - 2Lt Philip Mazzeo
FB Posted by George Sullivan - Memorial Day Taps
FB Posted by George Sullivan - S.I. High School Monuments
FB Posted by James Castoro - To my namesake...

To my namesake, I always take the time to reflect on your legacy. When my Dad told me he named me after you to “live the life that you didn’t get a chance to live” I took that very personally. I always do my best and never stray from integrity because I know you would do the same. You took care of your brothers on the front line and although my uniform may have changed I still to this day give my best day in and day out.

Rest easy, Brother.