A Christmas Message from VVA Chapter 421 Secretary


My good friends and VVA Chapter 421 brothers and sisters,

Christmas is a few footsteps away as well as the beginning of a New Year.  Needless to say it has been a year filled with discussions, anxiety, and opinions.  Now it's time to focus our thoughts to venues that we sometimes  forget.  Now is the time to hone in on the thoughts of those who are no longer with us and who can no longer opine and render their opinions for they are the ones that made that ultimate sacrifice so that those they left behind would have the freedom to discuss, be anxious and passionate about our ideas and opinions.  Now is also the time focus in on the thoughts of those that are still missing, for they may be in a place where there is no opportunity for discourse or disagreement.  Now is the time to pray for all those in harms way for where they are certain topics become meaningless.  What is important to them is whose got their six and that their guardian angel brings them home safely.

In closing, please take just one moment during this holiday season to remember and reflect, giving each other a hug of love and prayer.  Wishing you, your family, and your friends a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a New Year filled with blessings of health and happiness.


Frank A. Russo