President’s Message
April 26, 2020
Dissolution - The VVA's Future

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To all my brothers and sisters.

As you all know I have been reaching out to you either through the website, emails and personal phone calls.  To my surprise many of you are either not interested, or, unaware of the ramifications of what the future holds for us and specifically, this chapter.        

Because our website and emails have brought a very poor response, I thought it necessary to reach out to you personally. During my conversation with most of you I was asked how I felt and what would I recommend. Some have said that it is important that they hear from me, the executive, and board of directors on how we think and view how this chapter should vote at the convention in 2021.  I have tried not to broadcast my personal views so as not to influence your decision on the direction you want this Chapter to pursue. 

The executive board and the board of directors have had lengthy conversation on this subject with a unanimous agreement on the direction to take.  Before I go any further, I have to make it perfectly clear that the way the entire board thinks or votes is not the only direction that the Chapter can take.  It will be the membership’s vote as a whole that will be the decision maker determining the direction that the Chapter will take.

Our secretary and webmaster Frank Russo has established a special email address [] where you can send your opinion which would actually be your vote. Every entry is recorded and a hard copy is made. This is to ensure all that the chapter will vote at the convention according to what the majority wants.

Before I go into our opinions, I think it important to remind you that Chapter 421 has its own incorporation.  Back in 1994 Bill Jennings and I felt that our self-incorporation would be an important safety measure just in case something happened to VVA National, never thinking this would be one of the scenarios.  That being said, I will honor the many requests on how your leadership voted.  

The executive board and board of directors voted unanimously on a “last man standing” scenario.  The “Last Man Standing” means that when a pre-determined number of active members has been reached then the VVA organization would be dissolved.  For example, If the VVA organization sets the number at 1000 nationally then, when that number is reached, the VVA organization will be dissolved and no longer exist.

I will not state all of the board’s individual reasons but I can give you mine since I have been asked many times.


Changing the name of the national organization to allow other veterans to meld into the VVA membership rolls will result in the end of the VVA and its corporation as we know it today.


I do not believe that other veterans have an understanding of what our legacy is or what we expect it to be. They did not face what we faced both in the country of Vietnam or in our own country when we returned home.  That legacy would disappear in time and the VVA will have been forgotten.  Nevertheless, they are veterans and they get the honor and respect that they so deserve.


Statistically, membership in all the established veteran organizations membership is dropping drastically so there is no need for another organization.


 Our motto “NEVER AGAIN WILL ONE GENERATION OF VETERANS ABANDON ANOTHER” only belongs under our name not any another


Lastly, I feel very strongly about why the VVA was born. Remember none of the veteran groups wanted any part of us when we came home. There was no thought or concern about POW’s or MIA’s until we brought it to where it belonged, the forefront.  Remember, “Welcome Home “ comes from us.
 For these reasons my vote would be a “Last Man Standing”.  Let our legacy remain in the hearts and minds of all who understood and carry it forward.

Before I close, I want to make it perfectly clear that this is only my opinion, an opinion that I was asked to share. We are all brothers and sisters and I respect and honor all opinions so please vote your heart. The important thing is to send in your vote.   EMAIL IT TO:

Your Brother
