President’s Message
Special Status Report
April 13, 2020

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Hi everybody,


I thought it would be a good idea to keep in touch with all of you during this not so friendly COVID-19 separation.

            Now that Easter 2020 is behind us and Passover2020 is almost behind us, I would like to reflect on these holidays and how we got through them.  So here is the scenario:

 The Easter Bunny arrived but, because we had to spray him with disinfectant and slap a face mask on him, he decided to leave. To make matters worse, the Easter eggs couldn’t be colored because we were fearful of where the dye came from.  So that was Easter.  As far as Passover and the traditional Seder Dinner, I can’t even imagine how to navigate around that.  Knowing the Jewish side of my family and my Jewish friends they will work miracles as Moses did.

By the time you get this we all would have been in captivity for a month and, since I haven’t seen any of your faces on the back of milk containers, I guess you are all intact.

My lovely wife and I found the perfect formula to navigate through these trying times, so if you need some help here it is.

It is titled the “Distance Rule”. If I am upstairs, she has to be downstairs. If there is no upstairs or downstairs available then you go to plan “B”. If you are inside then she has to be outside. The only thing I haven’t figured out is what to do when we pass one another, but I'll leave that up to you without the need for feedback.

Now that that’s done let me let me bring you up to date on what’s happening in our Chapter.

To keep information flowing the executive board meets weekly via ZOOM, and the board of directors every couple of weeks. I feel this to be an essential way of keeping connected even though everything is kind of on hold. I wish there was a way to connect with all of you, but the logistics are too difficult.  Here is what we have pending or unfinished:

            First on the list are the elections that still need to be completed.  As you know, the entire executive board and three board seats are to be voted on. That we will deal with at our first general meeting.

            Secondly, and also as important, is the proposed dissolution of the VVA Organization.  Frank Russo has set up a link for you to send your opinions. This has now been in existence for a couple of months and I have only received about twenty submittals. Twenty is a sad number considering how many members we have.

            So, again I ask you to send in your opinion so I can have a clear picture of how you want your delegates to vote at the 2021 convention. I do not want to put the link on the website, to do so would invite all those that are not members.  If you forgot the link you can email me or Frank Russo and we will send it to you.


Stay safe and we will get together soon.


Your brother,
