Interesting Tidbits
Woman holds record for hours in space
Peggy WHitson, Phd, is the oldest woman in space (56)...is the only woman ever to have commanded the International Space Station twice...and tied having done the most space walks (10).
Stop those Ants

Sprinkle baby powder or chalk:  Create a circle of talcum powder or chalk around your picnic table.  The powder clogs ants' airways causing them to choke.  You can also do this at entry points to your home.

Drown them: Fill plastic cups with water, and place one under each leg of your picnic table and chairs.  Ants that make it over the top of the cups will drown.

Best Way to re-heat rice
Use an ice cube!  Place the cube on the bed of thge rice, microwave it for one minute or so, and enjoy.  The ice cube will steam the rice, rendering it fluffy, hot and as delicious as when it was first cooked.